Isolation Game Jam 2014!

Last week I had the pleasure to participate in the first ever Isolation Game Jam, which took place in the "young", volcanic island country of Iceland!

Besides having been a great game jam experience, it was also one of the most unique and fun travel experiences I've had as well :)

The jam was hosted by overall swell dude Jóhannes G. Þorsteinsson on a farm called Kollafoss. Situated out in the middle of nowhere on a grassy plain strewn with old rocks, surrounded by mountains and glaciers, it was a setting perfectly fitted for developing games in seclusion with a bunch of cool people brave enough to live without internet access far from civilization ;)

The jam lasted for five days, during which time I took part in creating a little game called "Active Mike". The game is a linear, first-person puzzle-type game made in Unity where you interact with the environment using your voice. You can check out the game through the link at the bottom.

As a whole the game jam was well worth the time and I sure had a blast hanging out with everyone at the farm during my first ever stay in Iceland. Thanks to everyone who participated, and I look forward to Isolation Game Jam 2015!

Active Mike (for Windows PC and Linux, 218MB)

Additional developer info:


Aziz, lights!

In last week's post I said I'd be playing with lighting, so I've been playing with lighting :p

Here's a HDRI dome light setup for outdoor environments, showcasing different lighting conditions during a day.
Next up in this arch viz process will be materials. We'll see how that turns out!

Also I'm working on a new character that I'll show off later on as well.



Down on the corner!


So I'm doing more experiments with good ol' Vray, trying to find more interesting ways to do outdoor renders. At the moment I'm trying to learn some new HDRI lighting methods.

Down here's a simple example scene, the first I plan on using in these experiments.

All is polymodeled so it's unrealistically clean as you'd expect. Not sure if I'll do a detail pass in Zbrush, but we'll see ;)

Next time I'll share the results of my HDRI tests.
