Isolation Game Jam 2014!

Last week I had the pleasure to participate in the first ever Isolation Game Jam, which took place in the "young", volcanic island country of Iceland!

Besides having been a great game jam experience, it was also one of the most unique and fun travel experiences I've had as well :)

The jam was hosted by overall swell dude Jóhannes G. Þorsteinsson on a farm called Kollafoss. Situated out in the middle of nowhere on a grassy plain strewn with old rocks, surrounded by mountains and glaciers, it was a setting perfectly fitted for developing games in seclusion with a bunch of cool people brave enough to live without internet access far from civilization ;)

The jam lasted for five days, during which time I took part in creating a little game called "Active Mike". The game is a linear, first-person puzzle-type game made in Unity where you interact with the environment using your voice. You can check out the game through the link at the bottom.

As a whole the game jam was well worth the time and I sure had a blast hanging out with everyone at the farm during my first ever stay in Iceland. Thanks to everyone who participated, and I look forward to Isolation Game Jam 2015!

Active Mike (for Windows PC and Linux, 218MB)

Additional developer info:

Kyle Halladay, Programming
Minnamari Helmisaari, Graphics
Karl G. Lorant, Graphics
Karl Bergendahl, Sound design


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